About Tatparya Patel:

She is a regular blogger at blogspot.com and a member of YUF self-defence Team.

The Red Tsunami

By Tatparya patel on 7 Feb,2020

Imagine!!your new year morning surprise with your worst physiological phenomenon.

Yeah!!you guessed it right,I'm talking about "MENSTRUATION."
Oh My God!!! Hot topic arose right!!!

Too hot, I guess.

These 12 letter words create the worst kind of complexity in a woman's life,From don't touch the pickles to don't go to the temple,we women tolerate a hell lot of restrictions.

Okay!!!Let's bury these myths here and look forward for my new year surprise. Okay!! I too had a very beautifully planned, 1st day of this new year. I had planned for early morning walks, yoga, head stand practices and a lot more, and then periods knocked the door.....

Ughhh...Aaahhh.......wake up girl!!! wake up!!!

My alarming uterus cried with the tears of blood....

No... No....not in the 1st date of January please, I begged. Then I buried all the plannings inside my diary and tried to sympathize myself, don't worry Tatparya,its casual....
Is it really casual?
No way.

Trust me it is damn horrible phenomenon of a woman's life. It seems like it is the path breaker of a happy, productive woman, cause on these days we come across these stupid thoughts.....here I'm telling some,you might co-relate.

  • Oh God!!why this hell lot of pain.
  • Blood and blood everywhere,not a drop to donate.(~Deepti Patel)
  • I want more chocolates.
  • No one cares for me...Am I this bad?
  • Stay away!!!I don't want to talk to you.
  • I wish I could be a boy.
  • Can I donate my uterus to the needy?
  • I'm going to die.
  • Its f**king tough,I can't even sneeze.

From emotional outbursts to mood swings, it usually creates a kinda madness.My brain repeats the same sentence all day long, "should I take painkiller or tolerate a bit more, let's tolerate for a while everything gonna be alright."Having a glance for 2 minutes at a nemosulide pill keeps my pain away, seems funny right? 😂

Finally I took that pill and 5 minutes later i was bothering about why the pill is not working ? Is my Haemoglobin too low ?

Is 100 mg an enough dose?
IQ declines to the 0 level and EQ reaches to the peak.
They say a queen will turn pain into power, here I feel we shed the drops of life.

Don't want to write more but this was only to make you comfortable with this natural phenomenon. Such topics shouldn't be kept at privacy, instead everyone should have a complete knowledge about this weirdo yet essential phenomenon.

After all the menstrual blood,when sheds off, makes a woman cry, when remains persistent, makes a baby cry.
The Red Tsunami is the drop of life.

--Tatparya Patel
--Acknowledgement:-Dear Dad♡